What is DOT Physical?
(DOT) Physical is a Physical exam that is required of people who drive commercial vehicles. The point of a DOT Physical is to make sure that people who are driving commercial vehicles are Physically, mentally, and emotionally fit.
Who Needs DOT Physical Exams?
- Drive a vehicle to carry more than 15 people.
- Are paid to drive a vehicle to carry more than 8 people.
- Carry hazardous material in your vehicle that requires your vehicle to have a placard.
- Drive a vehicle on the interstate with a gross combination of weight rating, gross vehicle weight rating, or gross combination weight of over 10,000 pounds.
What you need to know about your DOT examination:
- If you’ve ever had surgery.
- Any medications you’re taking, including prescription and over the counters.
- If you use Tobacco, Alcohol, or illegal substances.
- Any health problems you’ve had.
- If you’ve failed a Drug test.
- If you’ve ever been dependent on illegal substances.
- Any symptoms you’re currently having.
For DOT Physical Exams, we check:
- Height
- Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Vision
- Hearing
- General appearance
- Skin
- Eyes
- Ears
- Mouth and Throat
- Heart
- Lungs and Chest
- Abdomen
- Back and Spine
- Genital and Urinary system, including checking for hernias
- Extremities and joints
- The Nervous system, including your reflexes
- Gait, which is how you walk
- Circulatory system, which is your arteries, veins, and lymphatic system
You’ve also had to have a Urinalysis to check for Protein, Blood, Sugar, and specific gravity. These tests can tell your doctor if you need additional tests to check for other medical problems. You may also have to have other tests if your doctor thinks they’re medically necessary.
What to Bring to a DOT Physical Exam
All drivers
- Bring a complete list of ALL of your medications, including the doses and your doctors’ names and addresses
- You may want to complete page one of the exam (driver’s portion) to save time at the center
Drivers who require eyeglasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids
- Bring your glasses, contacts, or hearing aids
- You will be required to pass a vision and hearing test
Drivers who have high blood pressure
- Your blood pressure MUST be below 140/90 on the day of your exam or you may not qualify for a DOT card
Drivers who have diabetes
- Your blood sugar should be controlled
- Bring the most recent results of a lab test called a Hemoglobin AlC (HgAIC) and your blood sugar logs or other records related to your diabetes
Drivers who have nighttime sleep disturbance (sleep apnea) and use a CPAP machine
- Bring a reading from your machine documenting your proper use of the machine; a letter from your sleep specialist may also be required
- Bring at least 90 days of data, but data from the past year is best
Drivers who have heart-related issues, (including the use of stent, valve replacement, pacemaker, open-heart surgery, cardiac bypass surgery, or heart attack)
- At a minimum, bring a letter from your cardiologist (heart specialist) that outlines your medical history and current medications and indicates you are safe to drive a DOT vehicle
- You may also need to bring the results of a recent stress test, ECHO cardiogram, or other testing completed within the past 1-2 years
Drivers who have suffered a stroke, a brain tumor, a seizure disorder, or bleeding in the brain
- Bring a letter from your neurologist (brain and nerve specialist) that outlines your medical history, current medications, and current neurologic and psychiatric state
Drivers who have experienced the permanent loss of use in an arm or a leg
- Bring an overview from your physician of the injury and if you have any work restrictions due to the injury
- You may need a Skilled Performance Examination in order to qualify for your DOT card
Drivers who are taking any medications that may cause sedation or sleepiness or controlled substances {including narcotics, sleeping pills, anxiety medication, ADHD medication)
- You will most likely need a note and medical records from your treating physician regarding the safety of driving a DOT vehicle while using these medications
Drivers who are taking the blood thinner Coumadin (Warfarin)
- Bring a recent INR (blood level and clearance) letter from your doctor
If you are uncertain if you will qualify for a DOT card, you may want to schedule a visit with your primary or specialty physician BEFORE your re-certification date. Each physical examination, just like each DOT applicant, is unique.
The above are guidelines only, and not meant to be all-inclusive or as a guarantee of passing the exam. Additional testing or/information may be required by your DOT examiner.
Loque debe llevar a un examen ffsico del Departamento de Tranporte (Department of Transportation, DOT).
Todos los conductores
- Traiga una lista completa de TO DOS sus medicamentos, incluso las dosis y los nombres y direcciones de sus medicos.
- Es posible que quiera completar la pagina uno del examen (parte de] conductor) para ahorrar tiempo en el centro.
Conductores que necesitan anteojos, lentes de contacto o aparatos auditivos
- Traiga sus anteojos, lentes de contacto o aparatos auditivos.
- Se le pedira que realice una prueba de la vista y una prueba de la audicion.
Conductores que tienen presi6n ;1rterial alt.a
- Su presion arterial DEBE estar debajo de 140/90 el dfa de su examen o no podra calificar para recibir una tarjeta del DOT.
Conductores que tienen diabetes
- Su nivel de azucar en la sangre debe es tar controlado.
- Traiga los resultados de la prueba de laboratorio mas reciente llamacla Hemoglobina AlC (Hg/\JC) y sus registros de azucar en la sangre u otros registros relacionados con su diabetes.
Conductores que tienen un trastorno del sw•no nocturno (apnea de! suefio) y usan un;l maquma de presion positiva continua en la via a{irea (Continuous Positive Airway Prcssut·e, CPAP)
- Traiga una lectura de su maquina documentando el uso correcto de la maquina; es posible que tambien necesite una carta de su especialista en suefio.
- Traiga datos de al menos 90 dfas, pero es mejor si tiene datos del ultimo afio
Conductores que tienen problemas relacionados con el coraz6n (incluycndo el uso de una endopr6tesis, reernplazo de una valvula1 marcapasos, cirngia de coraz6n ahierto, c1rugfa de derivaci6n cardiaca o ataq ue card[aco)
- Como mini mo, traiga una carta de su cardi6logo (especialista del coraz6n) quc dcscriba su historial medico y sus medicamentos actuales y que indique que es seguro que conduzca un vchiculo de DOT.
- Es posible que tambien tenga que traer los resultados de una prueba de esfuerzo reciente, un ECO cardiograma u otras pruebas realizadas en los ultimos 1 a 2 afios.
Conductores que han sufrido una accidente cerebrovascular1 un tumor cerebral, trastorno convulsivo o sangrado en el cerebro
- Traiga una carta de su neur6logo (especialista en el cerebra y los nervios) que describa su historial medico, sus medicamentos actuales y el estado neurol6gico y psiquiatrico actual.
Conductores que han experimentado la p{!rdida del movimiento de un brazo o una plerna
- Traiga un resumen de su medico sobre la lesion y si tiene alguna restricci6n de trabajo debido a la lesion.
- Es posible que necesite un Examen de desempefio especializado para calificar para recibir su tarjeta del DOT.
Conductores que estan tornzmdo cualquier medicamento que pueda causar sedaci6n o somnolencia o sustanci.::is controladas (incluyendo narcoticos, pastillas para dormir, medicamentos para la ansiedad, medicamentos para trastorno de deficit de atenci6n e hiperactividad (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)).
- Lo mas probable es que necesite una nota y el historia\ medico de su medico tratante en relacion con la seguridacl de conducir un vchfculo de! DOT mientras usa estos medicamentos.
Conductores que est,1n t:omando un anticoagulante Coumadin (warfarina)
- Traiga una carta de la relaci6n normalizada internacional (International Normalized Ratio, INR) reciente (nivel en sangre y autorizacion) de su medico.
Si no est6 seguro si calificar6 para recibir una tarjeta de/ DOT, podrfa programar una visita con su medico de atenci6n primaria o especialista ANTES de su fecha de recertificaci6n. Cada examen ffsico, igual que cad a solicitante de! DOT, son unicos.
Lo anterior son solo directrices y no incluyen todo ni son una garantfa de que aprobara el examen. Es posible que su examinador de/ DOT le pida pruebas o informaci6n adiciona/es.